Friday, 8 May 2009

Cartoon Time

While I have been pleading that I am very busy at the moment - maybe it's just an excuse for not posting more frequently - I have had the time to start following a couple of new (to me) web comics. So rest assured that this is nothing to do with Rolf Harris.

I have been enjoying Skin Horsefor some time now, to say the least this strip is a little offthe wall! I just love the characters, reading the comments it sounds as though there are a lot of references to other fantasy type thingies, cartoons, games, books etc. which I don't get, but that does not hinder my enjoyment any. The link takes you straight to the contents / index page, if you have the time it is great fun to start at the beginning and work your way through, if you just jump in on today's post it will be more than a little confusing.

I have just discovered and and like both of these. There is more stuff on the net than I can contemplate and much of it is well worth avoiding but I can recommend these - especially if you enjoy the odd!.

The picture is of Unity one of my favorite charicters from Skin Horse

Monday, 4 May 2009

Long time - no post

Just realised that I have missed a whole month. I think this is a reflection of how busy I have been and what good weather we have been having.

All the sun shine means that I have been out working in gardens as much as possible and when I get home too tiered to be bothered - with almost anything. That added to a number of vehicle breakdowns have meant that my mind has been elsewhere, however I do promise to post more tonight in the mean time here's a nice picture

This is a sculpture at the RHS Wisley gardens seen in September last year - sorry I don't know the artist