These are some shots of the drive just after we had started, I always seem to forget to get proper before shots, just to keen to get stuck in I suppose. In this case it does mean that the shots include both Sue and Gloria - there are no prizes for working out which is which.

There were big dips and mounds where vehicle tyres had kicked up the gravel and then bedded it in, paving slabs had been put in up to the garage but most of them had broken, in all this gave the whole house a bit of an unloved demeanour. Now it all looks a lot more kempt and loved, and I cam in within budget! all in all I am pretty pleased.
The house is a fantastic Edwardian Family House near Beckenham Junction, it is the last of these houses in the area that is still in single family occupancy, all the rest have been knocked into flats, or turned over for commercial use of one form or another, so we have been trying to keep as much of the original character as possible, with a period style of rockery gravel drive and a lavender hedge under the bay window. I replanted this hedge a couple of years ago, so the this coming year I hope it will put on some serious growth and start to look more like a hedge.