Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Disk number five

I notice that all my disks so far are Orchestral, well that's primarily what I listen to, but I would not want to be without some rock, so what would I have? Beatles? Stones? Who? Yes? King Crimson? all these and many more have a place in my record collection - and yes most of these are on records, large flat round black things that go round and round on a record player - but as I suspect I will have only one it will David Bowie, and the track would be "All the Mad Men" from man who sold the world, great song, great sound and great keyboard playing by Rick Wakeman.

Disk number Five All the Mad Me by David Bowie

Sunday, 3 July 2011


I have been trying to leave a comment on another blog which I follow, and for some reason I can't fathom have been unable to, maybe it is just my technical inability, but anyway It's good to see you back Shayla, we have missed you

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning and happiness is a new razor blade! yes nothing quite like a really good shave, a leisurely shower followed by breakfast in the garden - life can be very good.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Bad Boy

I have slipped yet again and missed quite a few posting opportunities, this is not because I have had a boring time, rather I have been too busy, with some ups and some real downers.

The other week I heard the incomparable Grimthorpe Band in concert, this was truly inspiring, Croydon are a long way from them in almost every way, except the most important ones, we both try to perform to the best of our abilities at all times, and we both enjoy playing! I think those are probably the two most important things there are.

Last wedenesday was the final rehearsal before the CSB concert at St John's Smith Sq, I should have been there but.... just as I was about to leave for the rehearsal I realised that my diary and wallet had been stolen from my van earlier in the day. Certainly I could have done without losing the money, but by far the worst is all the fuss of replacing all my cards, AA; RHS; B&Q trade; Macro; Driving license etc. etc. - and then there are all my appointments, contact phone numbers, suppliers business cards. All in all a real downer