I may have mentioned that this is a busy period for me, so time for both
blogging and Playing are rather limited. I do hope to find a little time next
week, but at the moment I am so busy and have so much admin to catch up on I
don't know how or when. I did manage my second outing on Bass Guitar this weekend, I shall try to post about that later, today I want to show you some f the work I have been doing.

well as all my regular maintenance work I do other extras, I have recently
started working on a project that all in all will probably take me till the end
of the year to complete. Stage one was to demolish and remove a concrete shed,
I sub'ed this out, and am very glad I did as it actually turned out to be a bomb
proof workshop left over from the last war. The house is very near what was a
major airport at the time and the owner was engaged in important technical war
work so he had a very large solid work shop. Once this was demolished and the
ground cleared it was my turn, I put in a wooden base for a new wooden shed, and
have just built a compost system. Now I know not every one will agree with me
but I think this is not only practical gardening, and good ecological practise,
but is also a thing of beauty.
I know that beauty is
in the eye of the beholder, and I find beauty in this, so maybe there is a
chance for all of us and that in someone's eyes we are all beautiful