As evidenced by the number of posts I manage to make here you can be pretty sure that I a not that much of a dedicated Blogger, I have lots of other calls on my time, family, work, bands, orchestras etc. etc.
My work will always take quite a lot of time and effort, to a great extent that is the nature of self employment, when you are self employed there is no Human Resources Department, no Marketing Department, no Accounts Department, no IT Department to help out we have to do it all. Well I have made one small adjustment and have started another blog, but one that will not require much in the way of regular updating but one that I hope people will enjoy looking at.
Basically it is just a series of photos of jobs I have done, flower beds, patios and steps. A little bit of this and that, all the things in a garden that need doing I that I do.
Pop over and take a look at JPM Gardens