What great weekend, I travelled down to Bournemouth on Saturday for an "End of an Era" party. A professional German band I used to play in over a period of about 25 years packed up last year. After years of declining bookings due to venues being too mean to pay for a full pro band the band leader finally bit the bullet, sold the kit and wrapped up the trading company. Very sad for all of us, but none the less inevitable.
The good thing was that one of the last members of the band and a good friend to the band leader decided to mark the event with a surprise party! Musicians, and families came from across the UK to reminisce, play a few tunes and meet old friends. Personally it was a special pleasure to meet up with Mike Ray, the accordionist who worked with me in Seville at Expo '92. This was a pivotal time in my life as during that year, I got engaged, my father died, my wife's best friend died, and oh yes we got married. During the party lots of people were taking photos and videos, I think actually everyone except me, so as soon as I get copies of some of these I will put them, in the mean time this one was taken at Expo '92 outside the bar we were working in. There is now a lot less hair, we both shave now, and what hair is left is a lot greyer.

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