Well this is it, after thinking about it for around a couple of years I have finally got around to starting my Blog. I'm not at all sure why I should have the arrogance to assume that anyone else would be interested in my musings or activities, but here we go anyway.
I suppose as good a place as any to start is to explain my title, at least the who is "Me" and who is "Mrs T"
"Me" is a keen amateur tuba and trombone player running my own business as a maintenance gardener, and waste consultant specialising in recycling - well that is enough for anyone who knows me to identify me!
"Mrs T" is definitely not the Mrs T that will come to mind of most Britons over a certain age! No not Mrs Thatcher but a rather grand BBb contra bass tuba, to be specific a Hawkes and Sons Emperor Sonorous Superior cavalry model. Yep that's her in the photo!
Why "Mrs T" well after working with one of the UKs premier German Bands for a Canadian Company in Seville at Expo 92 it was time to fly home. Having got a lift out to Seville with a drummer the journey home was my first flight with a Tuba. A seat was duly booked and ticket issued, however to actually get on the plane a boarding card is needed, to get a boarding card a name is needed, so I just gave the name Tuba, then they needed a title so I settled on Mrs, somehow "Mrs Tuba" stuck and then got contracted to Mrs T. The flight staff had much experience of cello's but this was also their first Tuba, in end she ended up occupying a full row of three seats, the one thing that still rather rankles after all this time, is that I never did get the complementary drink for her seats!
Although Mrs T is no longer my prime instrument she still has a special place in my life. So a nice catchy title for my blog, although Mrs T may not feature too often I hope to tell of my musical exploits as well as observations on gardens, people and life in general.
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