Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Rugby and stuff

At the moment a lot of men and women in Europe are obsessed with Rugby. On Saturday the six nations championship got underway, and over the weekend we had three matches of very different standards. Now I am a Rugby enthusiast, I played the game for all the years I could until injury and age caught up with me, so I was glued to the screen for all three games.

It always used to be that most of the people following Rugby, either club or international were current or ex players and their families. Now we have a lot of nationalism creeping in. I don't mean the political far right neo fascist type, just those who want to watch one of their country's team win a game. This leads to support for the team being more important than support for the game. I watched one really poor game and two really good ones, and will admit to being nationalistically pleased at the results of two of them. (Since it is a bit early to start alienating people yet I won't say which ones!) but shouldn't I be more pleased with the quality of the good matches and disappointed with the poor one.

Now my country's team (England) did win, but played badly - I think it is a sign of growing maturity that this didn't either make or ruin my weekend. But there are many Italian, French and Scots men who are really upset this week - about a game.

On a different level I just came across this blog a T Revival: Just When You Think You Have It Bad III: Military Suicide no comment I make can add to this, just to say be open minded about the writer. She is writing from a trans gender perspecive but I think that the truths she is bringing out are universal.

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